
I’m passionate about learning and technology. I’ve been involved in several start-ups as a founder, operator, business developer, and learning designer in Rwanda.

Featured In


I co-founded BAG where I currently serve as the CEO and Startups In Rwanda; A community of Founders, Investors, and Tech Enthusiasts.


My work with BAG has allowed me to impact over 100,000 youth in Rwanda, providing virtual job simulations for students and graduates to better prepare for the job market and talent-sourcing services to over 200 businesses in East Africa.


During the pandemic, I founded Startups in Rwanda, a community of early-stage founders and tech enthusiasts based in Rwanda who comes together every month to network and collaborate.

Podcast host

On this podcast, you’ll meet amazing people and discover what they are building. We’ll hear their stories, learn from their experiences, and get inspired. If you’re like me and you are curious about the exciting things being built in Africa for the world and most importantly the people behind them then you’ve come to the right place.

How I can help

In addition to my work with BAG and Startups in Rwanda, many organizations book me to:

Speak At Events

Facilitate meetings


Public Speaking

I’m an experienced public speaker who can deliver informative talks on topics related to entrepreneurship, technology, and education.

Facilitation & Training

I provide training sessions to organizations on topics related to pitching to investors, productivity, sales, and team management.

Some teams I’ve worked with

I offered them various services including training, speaking at their events, and facilitating their meetings.

Interviews & Features

Hanga Pitchfest'23

Fireside Chat with H.E President Paul Kagame 

Community & Fellowships

I’m an active member of various fellowships

Lets work together!

If you’d like to talk about a project you want help with or need my opinion on something. Just drop me a message at hello@yussoufntwali.com

©Yussouf Ntwali 2023